The ABC Book of Extinctions
“ ” is for uk, the Gre t uk
l rge, flightless ird th t lived on isl nds off M ss chusetts, M ine, Que ec nd Newfoundl nd; eggs collected for food nd egg collections; irds killed for me t nd to render f t into oil; ec me extinct out 1844; there were other irds on the isl nds.
“ ” is for ison, the E stern ison
d rker nd l rger su species th n the western pl ins ison; migr ted etween the Gre t L kes nd Georgi ; hunting nd h it t destruction y settlers led to its extinction out 1825; there were other nim ls mong the hills nd v lleys.
“C” is for Caribou, the Dawson’s Caribou
A small reindeer, native to only one of the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia; very rare; hunted by and for trophy collectors; became extinct about 1908; there were other animals on the island